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TDO Chroma BOOST Fish Food - Reef Nutrition




TDO Fish Food | Best of Marine Fish Food | Reef Nutrition | Laccadive India

  • No Unwanted Fillers or Additives
  • Contains Only What Is Necessary For Your Fish
  • Easily Digestible Fishmeal Protein
  • Last Up To 1 Year when refrigerated
  • Professional Hatchery Feed


    For 16oz (454g) & 2kg Packs, Call Us or Drop In an Email

What's The Difference?

NameShapeSizeFish Size
TDO-A Chroma BOOSTGranule75 - 250µm1/4" and up
TDO-B1 Chroma BOOSTGranule250 - 360µm1/2" and up
TDO-B2 Chroma BOOSTGranule360 - 650µm1/2" and up
TDO-C1 Extra Small Chroma BOOSTGranule580 - 840µm3/4" and up
TDO-C2 Small Chroma BOOSTGranule840 - 1410µm1" and upto 6"
TDO-EP1 Medium Chroma BOOSTPellet1.7mm2" and upto 10"
TDO-EP2 Large Chroma BOOSTPellet2.3mm2" and up


Very small fish like larvae and juveniles can benefit from having a continuous supply of food, and it is highly suggested to feed small amounts of TDO Choma BOOST frequently. It is also important to watch your fish eat so you can ensure they are not being overfed and allowing food to accumulate in the aquarium. Eventually, as your fish get larger, you will want to feed them as much as they can consume within 2 minutes.


It is important to keep TDO Chroma BOOST out of direct sunlight and to avoid high temperatures. After opening the food should be stored in a refrigerator (33°F - 42°F) to ensure freshness and the best results. Moisture and Oxygen Resistant Foil Bag


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