- Improves coloration
- Promotes increased color depth and phosphorus/fluorescent tints
- Increases growth rate & Boosts immune systems
- Contains coloring agents and amino acids
- Improves coral vitality & Growth within days
100ml Last more than 60 days for a 250L tank.
For normal and colorful corals: 0,5 ml / 100 L / day
If the corals are light-colored (not brown or creamy) 1 ml / 100 L / day Xtra (not Xtra special).
Add directly to the tank into the streaming.
Xtra is the right one for most tanks with normal to very good coloration of the corals, but also creamy and brown colors.
Xtra special is the right one for ultra low nutrient tanks with pale corals without deep coloration (not creamy or brown!).
Pohl’s Xtra & Xtra Special - KZ Korallen-Zucht